Metatrol Exclusive Special Discount!

ImmPower bottle

Metatrol®: Fermented Wheat Germ Extract Super Concentrate


Metatrol has been studied by Nobel Laureates and the world’s leading scientists, demonstrating its enhancement of your mitochondria leading to:

  • Increased energy and less fatigue*
  • Immune system boost*
  • Promote longevity and cellular health*

In Stock and Ready to Ship!


Exclusive Special Price: $60 USD per box
(max of 4 boxes)
Must enter special code at checkout for discount

 Metatrol - Regularly $199.95 USD

Metatrol Customer Testimonials

I have been using Metatrol for three months and have just ordered another three month worth today. I am an 84 year old veteran and have been feeling fatigue for a long time. It has been hard to determine the source of my fatigue due to a variety of health problems I have experience; but I am doing better after being on Metatrol.

My doctors did not know about the product, it was out of their compendium. My VA has been more interested in it since I started taking it. I currently take two capsules as day as instructed.

Captain Sarkany

I started taking Metatrol after my surgery, and took it for two months before going back for follow up tests. When I went back my tests were clear. I told my doctors that I was taking Metatrol, and I had to explain what it was as they had not heard of it before. I gave them information about the product and what it does.

I have told many people about Metatrol. I recently bought some for my friend who is ill and I hope it will be as successful for her as it was for me.

Harvey H.