Doesn’t it just break your heart when they slow down and struggle?

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DGP for Pets

All-Natural Joint and Mobility Support

All-Natural. Fast Acting.
Vet recommended!

DGP is a proprietary blend of all-natural compounds known to provide relief for pets who are suffering from joint discomfort. It also contains ingredients that provide a boost of healing benefits for pets, such as soothing their digestive system, enhancing their immune system, and supporting their circulation.

Unlike other joint products using only glucosamine or chondroitin, which can take up to 90 days to fully take effect, DGP was created to work fast and the research proves it.

stoic dogDGP works FAST!

The May 2008 issue of the Whole Dog Journal spent six pages reporting the results of independent case studies that tested DGP’s effectiveness and safety. There were 12 dogs between the ages of 5-12 and 10 different breeds represented in the study. The results:

  • All 12 dogs in the study benefited from DGP!
  • Every dog owner reported their dogs had noticeable improvements in mobility. For 11 of the dogs, this happened within 3 weeks.
  • The #1 benefit every owner reported was: “My dog is happier!”

The study proved what dog owners using DGP already knew: DGP works fast, and is safe and well tolerated.

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Customer Testimonials

I have been giving my 11 year old Labrador (Sam) DGP for two months now. He had hip surgery when he was two years old and we had to watch him closely ever since. We lived on a farm and he was very active then. We retired about two years ago and he could not get around anymore. I received something in the mail about DGP and asked my veterinarian if it was okay to try. He said sure, and so we started giving Sam DGP. I could tell a difference after a week! We give him five pills a day and he’s doing wonderful. He is able to get up easily and jog again. We took him to the vet after a week on DGP and he is doing well.

Barbara Harrison

My dog Lucy was four years old, when she started to not want to go upstairs. She was still very young. I was worried she would have to have surgery. I receive a monthly pamphlet in the mail called ‘The Whole Dog Journal,’ and it referenced this medicine called DGP. I read it and thought WOW! I discussed it with my vet, who said go ahead and try it. It’s all natural, which I liked. There are too many drugs available that have bad side effects. I ordered and started her on it. OMG! It was like night and day. Lucy started going up and down stairs again and running around the yard.  I was so happy seeing the difference in her.

Thank you for this opportunity to tell you how I feel about DGP.

Donna Stalker

I have a Saint Bernard named Gracie. At 10 years old she is getting up very slowly, to the point I thought I had to put her down. The life span of a Saint Bernard is from 8-10 years. I saw an ad in a magazine about DGP so I ordered it to try. I have tried many other things for her joints which did not work. After 7 days on DGP, she started to get up faster. After 10 days she was moving around like she did before her joint issues set in. I was amazed–this stuff really works! Gracie will never be without DGP for the rest of her life.

Ronald L. Cumber