Become Part of the
“Super Immune!”

with Best-Selling ImmPower

  • Supercharges your immune system.*
  • Is a pure form of Immune Powerhouse —
    Active Hexose Correlated Compound (AHCC).
  • Shown to significantly enhance
    Natural Killer (NK) cell activity.*
  • Backed by 60+ published studies.
Try ImmPower Now
— 100% Satisfaction, 90 Day Money Back Guarantee —

“I’ve taken ImmPower for years, especially in the winter. ImmPower definitely keeps my immune system strong. I think of it as my extra insurance policy. Thank you for such an excellent supplement, that is SAFE, EFFECTIVE and natural.”

Denise M.   ✅ Verified Customer

Build Unrivaled Immunity!

Boost your internal defenses up to 1,000% with “Natural Killer Cells*” — Backed by 60+ published studies.

Winter and all the health issues it brings is here! And you need to slam the door on these “passed along” health issues, and make this winter a Wonderland of good health.

Today, more than ever, you’re constantly under attack by everything that is passed on by all the people you come in contact with.

And with the current health crisis sweeping the nation — you need to build an invisible IMMUNOWALL …

A powerful, fortified, fast-acting, razor-sharp immune system to protect yourself against these invaders that steal your good health and energy.

Yes, in today’s highly-connected world, daily, strong, ongoing immune support is A MUST … With a trusted supplement that can help keep you safe and strong 24/7.

a strong defense is vital for your immune systemUnfortunately, while most people want to stay healthy — and avoid sickness — they completely overlook this crucial defense element …

It’s not enough anymore to be around other people and merely hope you stay healthy. And too many people have left the front door wide open and made themselves vulnerable to major attacks on their health. The fact is …

You never know when your immune system needs to act instantly to protect your good health. That’s why it’s important to always be ready and vigorously prepared with daily, ongoing internal immune support.

And that’s where industry-leading ImmPower comes in to fully arm your immune system … Like having a phalanx of armed troops guarding the front door to your body to let NOTHING in!

ImmPower Super-Charges Your Immune System like nothing else!*

ImmPower has fast-become the #1 immune system booster for people who want to be “Super Immune” — With strong, continued support for their healthy immune system — to avoid health issues that takes them down for days or even sometimes weeks.

ImmPower is scientifically proven to enhance Natural Killer Cell activity (more on that below) by up to 1,000%* — And now supports the good health and strong immunity of people around the world — With countless success stories, reorders and satisfied customers.

The natural compound in ImmPower is clinically proven to enhance your daily energy, combat fatigue, and maximize your immune protection in three key ways:

#1 Supporting optimal T-cell response … T-cells are a key part of your immune system that focus on specific foreign particles. Strong T-cells circulate until they encounter a specific antigen and attack — playing a critical part in your defense and immunity. While weak T-cells leave you vulnerable.*

#2 Boosting Macrophage response … Macrophage are a special type of white blood cell that help eliminate sickness-causing foreign substances by engulfing them and initiating an immune response to get rid of it for you. This important internal process must be armed and ready to go all the time.*

And finally, by …

#3 Enhancing peak, elite Natural Killer Cell activity … Yes, NATURAL KILLER CELLS,* which is the actual scientific name for the most powerful, invader-killing cells in your body.*

Scientists discovered that your immune system’s very first line of defense is this special type of white blood cell called Natural Killer Cells (NK Cells).

NK Cells are literally born to kill!

They constantly patrol your body for abnormal cells that can thrive in your body if you let them … and destroy your health. And even better …

Scientists unlocked the secret of using Natural Killer Cells in your defense.

When you arm your body’s NK Cells and keep them strong, they go to work immediately, and around the clock for you. Once in your system, they quickly identify invader cells and inject them with cytotoxic granules that cause them to literally explode.

That’s what ImmPower does for you — makes your NK Cells super strong and potent!*

So now, with ImmPower, instead of being vulnerable to every threat to your health you come in contact with while in your home, and out in public, you will be chock full of potent NK Cells …

Which means the things that normally drag you down will bounce out of your system like a rubber ball on teflon.*

Try ImmPower Now

— 100% Satisfaction, 90 Day Money Back Guarantee —

Even in the dark depths of “Winter season” from September to April, you’ll feel secure knowing that your NK Cells are on patrol and fighting like mad to keep you healthy 24/7. Now …

Ever wonder why some people are always healthy …

The fact is, you are only as strong as your own individual immune system. That’s why some people you know are seemingly always healthy …

While other people you know are ALWAYS fighting something off.

And many of us fall somewhere in between. No matter where you are on the “prone to something” spectrum …

ImmPower is the key to building and keeping a strong immune system — and with daily use, will keep you powered up and protected every day, all year* …

Even if you have kids or grandkids in school who bring every health issue home …

Even if you travel frequently and are constantly on trains, buses, ubers, and in airports and airplanes …

Or if you have a job that brings you in frequent, daily contact with lots of potentially compromised people …

If you work on the frontlines in healthcare … ImmPower helps to protect you. Here’s how …

ImmPower is loaded with an extraordinary, immune-boosting compound that is unrivaled in its ability to keep you safe and healthy*…

As our most popular, clinical strength immune protector, ImmPower contains AHCC (Active Hexose Correlated Compound), which is a hybridized mushroom extract that provides unsurpassed support for people who need or want a potent immune response.*

Loads of clinical research proves that this single exotic compound can help support a strong immune system unlike anything else!

And each ImmPower capsule contains 500 mg of pure, high-potency AHCC … which is scientifically proven and supported by over 60 published research studies. And Immpower’s dosage is the same as that used in the clinical trials.

So when you take ImmPower, loaded with AHCC, you can expect it to:

  • Supercharge your immune system 24/7*
  • Maintain peak Natural Killer Cell function — so nothing gets past*
  • Strengthen your immune defenses*
  • Keep you healthy during emotional/physical stress, and “sick’ season when you’re under attack*


ImmPower helps you stay healthy and protected the smart and safe way.

ImmPower is the perfect, focused immune solution for staying healthy in an increasingly more dangerous world,* keeping you protected internally where it counts most.* Something no OTC daily vitamin or freeze dried fruit or vegetable can ever do for you.

Try ImmPower Now

— 100% Satisfaction, 90 Day Money Back Guarantee —

Who should take clinical strength ImmPower?

Anyone and everyone! Especially those who face serious health challenges and can’t afford to miss work or school.

Also people with complex immune concerns, who need a safe, potent, immune response always working in their body.

Everyone who wants to add a strong, internal layer of defense to maintain “super immunity.”

People who don’t want to give up personal contact with friends and family.

Anyone who wants peace of mind with a “set it and forget it” immune booster working for them 24/7.

Maximize your immune protection now — while you still can!

Over the last 10 years, a sharp increase in worldwide health events have made it more important than ever for people to make sure their immune system is super strong. This is increasingly important for the elderly, the very young, and those who MUST stay healthy.

And from one year to the next, even the world’s top medical experts can’t predict what health crisis will strike, where it will start, how it will spread, or how many it may affect.

Unless you create a super strong, internal immunity, sickness will be a constant part of your daily life. ImmPower can help build a near impenetrable defense for you. Just like it did for these people …

I want to have my immune system as strong as I can…

“ImmPower got me through a serious health challenge–twice. I buy it as a gift for other people I know. I want to thank you for it for bringing it to the public. Now I take it because I want to have my immune system as strong as I can get it with everything going on.” 

Eva G. S.,
✅ Verified Customer

My doctor is astounded at my unusual good results!

“My family and friends had great results with ImmPower so I began using it at the beginning of my treatments. My blood work results have never left the “normal” ranges. My doctor is astounded at my unusual good results – he called me the “Hulk” of immune systems! I feel great – thank you!”

Richard B.,
✅ Verified Customer

The surgeon said to “keep doing what’ you’re doing”.

“My daughter did some research and found IMMPOWER. The surgeon said to “keep doing what’ you’re doing”. I contribute my clean health to your products, and will continue to use them, as they are keeping me healthy.”

Patricia T.,
✅ Verified Customer

Developing and keeping a robust immune system is essential to maintain super-strong immunity and enhance your energy …

Especially when tackling a tough health challenge.

The fact is, for many Americans, their diet isn’t nutritionally adequate for strong immune support like it used to be. In fact, approximately two-thirds of the standard U.S. diet is made up of unhealthy fats and refined sugars with low or no nutrient value — giving you calories, but not the right amounts of vitamins and minerals needed to support a strong immune system.

You can’t defend yourself with your diet alone. You need specific immuno defense working for you at all times. Because you’re only as strong as your immune system. And ImmPower will be there for you when your health is challenged.

Place your no-risk order now…

ImmPower is backed by an iron-clad 90-day guarantee…

Your complete satisfaction and improved health is our only goal… That’s why our products contain only the highest quality ingredients, and are produced in the U.S. at FDA-inspected facilities.

When your package arrives, take 90 days to try it. See how it enhances your health, energy and immunity power. And if you don’t agree that it’s enhanced your overall health, send it back for a FULL refund.

You have nothing to risk and a lifetime of health and protection to gain! You’ll be thrilled with how well ImmPower works. But if you want to return your purchase, simply call our Customer Service department at 1-866-298-9944 within 90 days of purchase. You can return one opened bottle/box and any unopened bottles/boxes. We’ll rush you a full refund of the product cost. No questions asked.


Exclusive Discounts

Best-Selling ImmPower —

  • Supercharges your immune system.*
  • Is a pure form of Immune Powerhouse —
    Active Hexose Correlated Compound (AHCC).
  • Shown to significantly enhance
    Natural Killer (NK) cell activity.*
  • Backed by 60+ published studies.
Savings starting at 25% OFF
— 100% Satisfaction, 90 Day Money Back Guarantee —

“I have been taking Metatrol and ImmPower for two years now. I first heard about them in the H.S.I. newsletter that I receive. I believe they are the answer for me. My doctors are very pleased with my results. I feel very close to normal. I am 86 years old and live alone—I have a fair amount of energy and I am able to take care of myself.”

Shirley N.   ✅ Verified Customer


Order in Bulk and Save!

Regular Price: $54.95 per bottle

$3847 each
  • Good Winter Bundle: Buy 3+ bottles
  • $3847 each

$3462 each
  • Great Winter Savings: Buy 6+ bottles
  • $3462 each

$3297 each
  • Winter Extravaganza: Buy 12+ bottles
  • $3297 each
ImmPower Bottle

Discount Price:
$41.20 (25% OFF)